I am always struck by the irony of Thanksgiving, the holiday of giving thanks, being followed so closely by the winter holidays—Christmas and Chanukah—the holidays of gimme gimme gimme. Our children are taught the Thanksgiving story—the horror of the true story somewhat p.c.-ified (made politically correct) to reflect the supposed kindness of the Native Americans to the Pilgrims. They are asked to consider all of that for which they are grateful. They participate in canned food and gently used … [Read more...] about ThanksGIVING…and then?
Talking to Children About Haiti
There is no debate that the disaster in Haiti is just that, a disaster. But there are differing opinions about whether young children should be exposed to this news. While I suggest that you have a look at chapter 11 (Is the Fire Going to Come to Our House?" Answering questinos about Natural Disasters, Terrorism, and War) in my book, Just Tell me What to Say, I offer a few pointers in the meantime. Of course it is wholly up to you whether and what you tell your children about the … [Read more...] about Talking to Children About Haiti
When Jewish kids want Santa
As young children grow, their interest in and experience with the winter holidays change. This includes learning that different people celebrate different holidays in different ways—Christmas,Chanukah, Kwanza to name just three. It is well within the range of normal development for young children to want for their own anything and everything that appeals to them. With all the trappings of Christmas so prevalent, it is not unusual for a Jewish child to want to claim trees and lights and Santa … [Read more...] about When Jewish kids want Santa