Olympic fever is starting to rise, and here is the good news: There are enough benefits to watching the Olympics as a family that you can throw your standard TV rules out the window. Beyond sheer entertainment, there’s much to be learned by watching the games on the demon screen—exposure to different sports and their rules, learning about other cultures, and experiencing the more subtle points of competition like effort, loss, and sometimes winning. Let’s start here: The Olympics provide a … [Read more...] about Why You Should Watch the Olympics with Your Kids: Olympic Lessons
Parenting advice
In Celebration of Parenting Pathways®, Inc’s 10 Year Anniversary: 10 Pieces of Parenting Advice
Ten years ago this month I founded Parenting Pathways®. (This is my business through which I offer parents of children, toddlers through teens, a variety of services including private consultations, monthly parenting groups, and individual topical seminars.) Who knew I would reinvent myself? Who knew how much I would learn? Who knew how many times in a week I’d address the complaint, My kid doesn’t listen to me! I took a risk and made something from nothing. Voila! Parenting … [Read more...] about In Celebration of Parenting Pathways®, Inc’s 10 Year Anniversary: 10 Pieces of Parenting Advice