Whether it is the horror of a violent event, an act of terrorism, or a natural disaster, the news of such things can have powerful impact on children of all ages. It can cause tremendous fear and anxiety, or it can just raise some questions. Each child will react differently. But no one goes totally unaffected. In dealing with your child, here are some tips that will help you to help your child process what has happened. First of all, take care of your own feelings. Children take … [Read more...] about Tips for Dealing with Scary Current Events with Children
talking to children about terrorism
“Mommy, What is 9/11?”
As the ten year anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the media is heating up with programs and references to that tragedy. Ten years ago already. Wow! As was the case when Kennedy was shot, many can easily answer the question, “What were you doing when you heard the news of 9/11?” That’s how big it was in our lives. To children fifteen years and younger, 9/11 is another event in American history to be learned. But learning about it from history books is quite a different story from seeing graphic … [Read more...] about “Mommy, What is 9/11?”
Revisiting 9/11: Talking to Children About Terrorism
Following the news of Bin Laden’s death, I received a rash of calls from parents wondering how to explain 9/11 to their elementary school age children. Most of these children were a mere twinkle in their parents’ eyes on September 11, 2001. Referencing that horrible event was part of many parents’ and teachers’ explanations of the reason for needing to rid the world of Osama Bin Laden. Little did they realize how difficult – indescribable, scary, anxiety provoking,—the explanation would … [Read more...] about Revisiting 9/11: Talking to Children About Terrorism