As the ten year anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the media is heating up with programs and references to that tragedy. Ten years ago already. Wow! As was the case when Kennedy was shot, many can easily answer the question, “What were you doing when you heard the news of 9/11?” That’s how big it was in our lives. To children fifteen years and younger, 9/11 is another event in American history to be learned. But learning about it from history books is quite a different story from seeing graphic … [Read more...] about “Mommy, What is 9/11?”
The “Right” Age for Video Games
With your first born child, it’s pretty easy to control his diet of everything—sugar, television, war toys, choice of friends—for the first few years anyway. But then he hits school age, somewhere after five years old, kindergarten age, and the once controlling parent begins to question some of her controls. My child is the only one who doesn't...and now you fill in the blank. Most parents know that they are fighting a losing battle if they are too orthodox about their restrictions. Never … [Read more...] about The “Right” Age for Video Games
Olympic Idols
It seems like there is something for everyone in this Winter Olympics, and it’s easy to become an addict. The entire event is packed with heart-racing excitement as well as examples of natural talent, acquired skill, and athleticism. Don’t you just sit on the edge of your chair? But there is more. While I am a believer in limited screen time for children, especially commercial television, the Olympics are providing our children (and us) with important lessons and messages that are hard to … [Read more...] about Olympic Idols
Should Baby Read?
I heard a radio advertisement this week for a DVD , Your Baby Can Read, or some name like that. Needless to say, it grabbed my attention. This program promises to teach your toddler, even infant, to read. A mother of a three year old claimed that she had been using it for a year, and now her child was reading on a third grade level. Please save me from being sick! It took everything in my body not to drive off the road…as I seethed. Why on earth does anyone want her toddler (or infant) … [Read more...] about Should Baby Read?
Talking about Tiger
For the great majority of young children, the headlines about Tiger Woods will pass right over their heads. But for the child whose parents or older siblings are hyper tuned into sports, who overhears the news or casual conversation, for the child who is focused on sports and sports news or who is a budding golfer, he just may hear that another hero has fallen. What the heck does a parent say? We have been through this kind of revelation too many times before. With sports stars and … [Read more...] about Talking about Tiger
Knowing if a movie is okay for your child..and for you
In my last post, I addressed balancing a child's media diet--how much and when. As challenging as that issue is, it is almost easier to address than the question of content-- what media is okay for your child. In today's world of so much, so young, deciding what is okay and what isn't can be daunting. Remember how many of you thought Baby Einstein was a good idea? Now parents are scrambling for a refund. Who knew? (By the way, I did, and I have been steering parents away from Baby … [Read more...] about Knowing if a movie is okay for your child..and for you