I have been working with families—teaching children, directing schools, and consulting with parents—for 45 years. Yikes! Accompanying parents on their parenting pathways became my life’s work. As the years have crept by and I have worked with hundreds of families, a core set of beliefs has become clear to me. In recognition of Parenting Pathways, Inc. 15 year anniversary this month, I offer 15 tips about parenting that will make a difference in your children’s and your lives now. More … [Read more...] about My Top 15 Parenting Tips in Recognition of 15 years of Parenting Pathways, Inc.
Parent as teacher
Do As I Do, Not As I Say!
“I’m going to punish you” admonished the 4 year old “mommy” to her 4 year old “daughter,” both children at play in the “Housekeeping Center” of their preschool classroom. That is my favorite place to observe kids at work, reenacting scenes from their lives. “Playing” out their real life experiences is not only a way that children process and make sense of their lives, but it is also an example of how children mimic their parents’ behavior. Regardless of age, your children are watching you, … [Read more...] about Do As I Do, Not As I Say!
Look At That Lady’s Nose!
Young children notice difference. As they try to make sense of their world, they pay attention to regularity and irregularity, what is familiar and what is not. And there is no judgment involved, just recognition of difference. Truth be told, most people notice difference. It’s no big deal, or it shouldn’t be, anyway. Problems arise when difference is viewed as unacceptable. I know many adults who could use a lesson in tolerating difference. Last week on the bike path at the beach, a … [Read more...] about Look At That Lady’s Nose!
The Lazy Days of Summer? No way!
First it was red jello. Then it was sugary juice. Now summer is the enemy! And it’s getting a bad rap. Summer Slide. Brain Drain. Whatever you call it, what was once the most carefree and welcome season of the year is being vilified as a threat to our kids’ learning. Even a recent Rand Corporation study points to the ways in which children fall behind in their learning during the beloved months of summer. Wait a second! Time out! This doesn’t have to be the case. The problem is the … [Read more...] about The Lazy Days of Summer? No way!
Right in Your Own Yard– A Blog for Father’s Day
The window at my kitchen sink gives me a bird’s eye view of the happenings on my street. Recently, I witnessed a scene fit for a Norman Rockwell painting. Five year old Owen was side by side with the gardener, mowing the front lawn. Two guys pushing the mower. And it wasn’t just for a minute or two, as together they mowed the entire front grass field. My heart swelled. Not only did this guy have to be the world’s greatest gardener, but little Owen was one hard working and very happy boy. What … [Read more...] about Right in Your Own Yard– A Blog for Father’s Day
Revisiting 9/11: Talking to Children About Terrorism
Following the news of Bin Laden’s death, I received a rash of calls from parents wondering how to explain 9/11 to their elementary school age children. Most of these children were a mere twinkle in their parents’ eyes on September 11, 2001. Referencing that horrible event was part of many parents’ and teachers’ explanations of the reason for needing to rid the world of Osama Bin Laden. Little did they realize how difficult – indescribable, scary, anxiety provoking,—the explanation would … [Read more...] about Revisiting 9/11: Talking to Children About Terrorism