School has begun (at last!) Every parent wants to help her child get off to a good start. Every parent wants her child to have a great school experience. Every parent wants to be the best parent of a student that she can be with her child’s successful year in mind. I am going to cut right to the chase. Here’s what you, the parent, can do in order to help your child have a good school year, get the most of his school experience this year, and cultivate in him the traits that will help him … [Read more...] about How to Parent a School Age Child
Throw Away Your Parenting Books
“I’m almost finished reading [parenting book],” the first-time mom confessed, “and I have to tell you, it’s really stressing me out!” “Well, don’t read it! ” I urged. “Just put it away.” (I think I actually suggested that she throw it away.) That’s kind of an odd recommendation from a parenting expert who has written two award winning parenting books.* But I meant it sincerely. It was the part about teaching young children foreign languages, Mandarin, in particular, that did her in and … [Read more...] about Throw Away Your Parenting Books
Loose Parts
For years I have extolled the value of empty cardboard boxes—the ones in which your big appliances arrive—in the lives of children. You see cardboard box to be recycled; your child sees secret cave, fire station, beauty parlor, club house. But Caine Monroy has broadened even my wildest dreams. He built Caine’s Arcade ( Caine’s dad George claims that he is no special parent. He says he simply knew his son, didn’t force him to do what he didn’t want, and allowed him … [Read more...] about Loose Parts
The Lazy Days of Summer? No way!
First it was red jello. Then it was sugary juice. Now summer is the enemy! And it’s getting a bad rap. Summer Slide. Brain Drain. Whatever you call it, what was once the most carefree and welcome season of the year is being vilified as a threat to our kids’ learning. Even a recent Rand Corporation study points to the ways in which children fall behind in their learning during the beloved months of summer. Wait a second! Time out! This doesn’t have to be the case. The problem is the … [Read more...] about The Lazy Days of Summer? No way!
Right in Your Own Yard– A Blog for Father’s Day
The window at my kitchen sink gives me a bird’s eye view of the happenings on my street. Recently, I witnessed a scene fit for a Norman Rockwell painting. Five year old Owen was side by side with the gardener, mowing the front lawn. Two guys pushing the mower. And it wasn’t just for a minute or two, as together they mowed the entire front grass field. My heart swelled. Not only did this guy have to be the world’s greatest gardener, but little Owen was one hard working and very happy boy. What … [Read more...] about Right in Your Own Yard– A Blog for Father’s Day
A Parent Should Be A Parent…Not A Friend
Every time I hear a parent brag that her child is her best friend, I cringe and think, “Well, that’s too bad.” The job description of parent is mighty long—nurturer, teacher, advisor, consultant, guide, spotter, disciplinarian, consoler, cheerleader. But I am quite sure “friend” is not on the list. I fully believe that you really like your child, that there are times when you get along like peas and carrots, that you say you can read each other’s minds. But your child, whether young or … [Read more...] about A Parent Should Be A Parent…Not A Friend